()欢迎咨询:137-9054-4394王小姐/158-7546-9207陈小姐,热线电话:0769-22661050东莞做工好的快速卷帘门厂家 自20年前快速卷帘门引进中国后,国内目前至少有上千家快速卷帘门公司。这其中长三角、珠三角、京津地区和成渝地区是目前中国快速卷帘门较为集中的4大区域,而这其中以长三角地区的质量为高。欢迎咨询王小姐:137-9054-4394,热线电话:0769-22661050中国国内,快速卷帘门生产的厂家良莠不齐,其中就有很多由卷帘门厂家代做的,将帘片换成PVC,在用转速快一点的电机,出来的产品也被称之为快速卷帘门,然后买个几千块钱。其实在真正懂得快速卷帘门知识的人看来,那都是糊弄人的。 真正品质好的快速卷帘门一定要有如下几个特点:
2、布帘材料:0.8-1.2 mm厚法国希运进口门帘,内有耐撕裂的纤维网状结构,有蓝色、橘色、红色、白色等所中颜色可供选择。
3、开启与关闭速度: 开门速度0.6-2.5m/S,关门速度:0.6 m/S 4、 安全性能:两侧导轨底部装有红外光电对射,如果门下有人或障碍物,快速卷帘门不会下降,保护人员和货物的安全。
5、动力性能:赫弗德伺服工业门高频启停电机,三相380V,50HZ, IP55级控制箱,功率为0.75-3.0kw
6.控制方式:本公司为您提供了多种手动或自动控制系统以满足用户对门的开启或开闭方式的要求:a手动按钮控制 b.手动拉绳控制c.手动遥控控 d.地磁环感应控制 e.光电感应控制 f.雷达感应控制 g.连动互锁控制、h.门禁自动控制。
Dongguan City Xing De door industry limited company: industrial door manufacturers, fast shutter doors, rapid rolling door, fast shutter doors, rapid industrial door, door, door, high-speed high-speed high-speed shutter doors, automatic doors, automatic doors, fast shutter doors, rapid accumulation of PVC fast shutter doors, industrial doors, high speed fast automatic induction door, fast shutter door, electric fast shutter door, free door, free door, hit PVC fast door manufacturers, imported motor and accessories, has a smooth, fast, safe, sealing, no noise, dust, noise, prevent the indoor and outdoor air convection, improve the workshop environment, long service life other features, is a modern chemical plant, warehousing logistics preferred products, the products are widely used in food, electronics, tobacco, adhesive products, textile, printing, packaging, automotive, refrigeration environment In the field of assembly, chemical, pharmaceutical, machinery, logistics, plastic, cotton textile, automobile factory, shopping malls, warehousing and other fields, it is tailored for its different types of customers with its ingenious function design.
Fast rolling shutter door mainly control: geomagnetism, radar, remote control, photoelectric, pull rope, manual, interlocking and so on.
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